Thursday, 13 December 2012

El Shaddai - a Brand New Sharing Chapter

The past few months were filled with such astonishing events, I was completely overwhelmed with the greatness of following. In this I mean to say that the payback on obediently following, trusting, and obeying God yields fruit beyond measure. In a way unsure, I wanted to test to see if the fruit flowing from this life were genuine. I am a bit ashamed to say that I have deprived you of the stories. So, with no further a due, the story as it stands:

In many of the groups I gather with we start our visits with sharing each other's low's and high's(granting a fair chance for talkers and non-talkers). Starting with my low, just to show my longing for you, my friend and family. When having an amazing story to tell and you don't use the opportunity, it gets lost in time. I'm sorry for not sharing on the past events. Maybe someday they'll have a place for telling.

As for my high...

Not wishing to waste another story, I'd like to invite you along on our journey to another world. A world of endless possibilities, a world of life in abundance. Oh, yes. A life in the today.

I'm off to Swaziland, El Shaddai Ministries again, and this time taking along four new brothers. Leaving today - 13/12/2012 at 6am, we are eager to see how we can support them. I'll personally be visiting the mother of the nearly 100 children, and the vessel overflowing with kindness and love towards the people of Swaziland. For the past 12 years she has been serving according to James 1:27. We, Mist Ministry Support, have been supporting El Shaddai Ministries and now wish to help them tell their story. It is still a road to travel, but a dream to be fulfilled.

I'm excited to see what God is about to reveal, help us face, and enable us to practice our faith.

In praying you may come along.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Work where He is blessing

My hair changed because my life changed, because my heart have been changed. 

Do not ask that God bless the works you are doing, ask what He is blessing and ask to be part of that.

During HarTklop I realized God works differently through me than I thought.  As woman He not only created me to carry a presence of the Good News in my action, more than in my words, but He also changes me constantly to be this more effective.

It seems many of my efforts to support the ministries I've been sent to, were misplaced in focussing on teachings rather than doing. I believe it now, "actions do speak louder than words".

It was during HarTklop that I found this truth in my own purpose. Faith can never be created, but environments for the formation of faith and the guidance of others to help you continue in this way can be created.

The inability of those claiming to have faith to encourage and direct those still growing presents an immaturity of their faith.  We need to act on what we believe, and encourage others to do the same, and teach them to do the same to others in acting and encouraging them.

I believe that we have the ability to strengthen, encourage, and direct the way in growing in faith to become more Christlike, to be in but not of this world.  I believe that we are the Body and Bride of Christ. In these believes I praise God. He has granted an opportunity that I may learn from our brothers and sisters in some of the other African countries on how church community, communication, faith formation and honoring God may look.  Starting February 2013 I may be part of a group traveling to communities to serve and learn from them about serving God.

What a pleasure to be part of the work that He is blessing.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Verwag teleurstelling, maar nie by God nie

My hande was selde gedurende my skooljare ledig. Self 'n film tuis was na die eerste advertensiebreuk tweede prioriteit na een of ander handwerksartikel of kreatiewe projek by die geselskap aangesluit het.

Vele van die projekte was ten doel om of ander vreugde te gee, of om verhouding en gemeenskaplikheid te bou met my huishouding. Dit was my spontane plek van deel, omgee en liefde gee aan my gesin. Of dit takies in die huis was, of geregte in die kombuis, dis waar ek my omgee tyd spandeer het.

Soos maar die gevalle mens is, was my "gee" verseker nie onvoorwaardelik nie. Op daardie stadium het dit nie saak gemaak nie, maar na dieper ondersoek het hierdie 'n groter gevallenheid en leuen ontbloot. "Liefde moet verdien word."

Eers jare na die skade aangerig is, en ek die gevolge daarvan hanteer, moes ek die afgryslike motiewe 'n naam gee. My voorwaardes en verwagtinge van my gee was om liefde en verhoudinge te wen, te verdien, selfs te steel.

Met hierdie ontnugtering het die golwe van teleurstelling begin spoel oor my rou hart. Amper handomkeer het my gee in koudheid verander. Ek het heeltemal ophou gee uit vrees vir hierdie slaggate. Weereens was my vlug in die woestyn in, weg van die Bron van lewe.

Ek het geword die behoeftige, die koue, die vreemde. Dis hier waar die genade oor my wonde kom was het. Soos sout op my wonde het die onvoorwaardelike liefde van my geloofsfamilie my wonde eers gebrand. Die genesing het wel gekom, en stelselmatig kon ek weer begin gee.

Ek het begin leer om aan ander te doen wat ek graag aan myself gedoen wil hê. Dat gee mens gelukkiger maak as om te kry, maar dat wat ek dink ek wil gee nie noodwendig is wat nodig is nie. So opreg soos ek graag wou gee, so was my voorwaardelikheid en verwagtinge menigmaal ontbloot. Dis moeilike sake om by verby te kom. Dit moet deur gewerk word - deur gebreek word.

Rou, stukkend en so bietjie gesout kan ek nie anders as om gee deel te maak van my wese nie. Onderliggende verwagtinge en voorwaardes word altyd ontbloot, soos kwaaddoeners word hulle uitgevang. Die onvoorwaardelike liefde van Christus oorweldig my wel menigmaal wanneer die skare my insluk. Mense wat in hul verwagtinge teleurgesteld sal staan, maar deur hierdie proses God se reinheid sal ontdek en daarin nie teleurgesteld sal staan nie.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Truth and Hope found in Hillbrow

Slaves, prisoners, Hopelss, this may be the way the they see themselves, or how the world sees them. Laying down prejudice we went exploring, and looking with eyes of hope things seemed quite different. 

The Star: Drugs are their world, and Pullinger Kop is their home - Yusuf Omar May 2012

Prayerfully asking for opened eyes to see and remember, but blinded eyes to overlook and forget, the group set off to explore Hillbrow street life.  The Badboys escorted the three cars of tourists through the apartments blocks, many subject to building hijacking. The streets are teeming with people, modern day African music drums out the traffic, and the red neon lights of the Vodacom tower eerily lights up the night. It's 19:30, Friday and the night is settling in on Pullinger Kop Park, our destination.

On arrival, the smoke from a marijuana joint and the thick smug of the Joburg pollution embraces you like an old friend.  Most squatter settle in small groups or around fires, not for the warmth, but for comfort and family. Their experience of obvious corruption deprived any higher authority of trust and submission. These street families disregard the law, and enraged at the perceived heartlessness of the public, they rely on one another for survival.  

In a corner some embers illuminate the sickening scene where two men are sharing worn out utensils in an effort to inject a heroin spike, the highlight to their day. The moral decay is tangible, it's cages visible in the self-centered desperate scurrying of addicts, with the temporary relieve in its consequent floating unconsciousness.  Nigerians, Zimbabweans, and Tanzanians, the majority of the foreigners and inhabitants of this area. Also the culprits to most of these addict's habits; addiction that keep them alive, or at least give them a sense of it.  Desperate individuals fall pray to the enterprise of drugs, trafficking, and sex promoted by the streetwise and savvy. 

In another corner of the park a peaceful group settles in for the night. The leader to the group, a German man, willingly engages to tell his story. He was once part of a ministry team, knowing and tasting truth. Like a prisoner, he reveals his biased opinion to his heroin addiction and street prison, blaming Satan.  Amid this dark, sad, desperate setting shines a glimmer of hope as he acknowledges this truth: that all hope is still set on God, and that He can still deliver, no matter how extravagant his fall. 

The mention of hope reminded both audiences of the allegiance we owe to God, and the responsibility of that.  The church is called to be the carrier of grace and love to mirror Christ to the world, but as it neglects to carry the light of authority into the dark places, God reveals His glory with or without the participation of His church.

For more information on carriers of Kingdom authority within Hillbrow, see - by @Nigel_Branken

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Generational influence - The need for Wisdom

Generational differences have been on my mind for a while now, partly because of my openness to influence, but mostly because of its obviousness. Around the world the technological ground breakers are indicating generational change as they are advancing swiftly in the integration of technology into every part of our lives.  Many still need to engage with the multitude of options to experience it's richness. As an early adapter I seldom hesitate at the sign of adventure. In this I found great excitement about the truth and challenges regarding change in what these ground breakers are bringing to the proverbial table.

I'd like to share a thought from the Learning Community, a group taking the change of technology into account regarding the telling of the Good News. As tweeted by @jackiejvr at a recent Learning Community, "This is the 1st generation that grows up without needing authority to unlock knowledge. Instead, authority should learn to impact wisdom."

This thought is also conveyed by David Kinnaman in his book "You lost me". This book on why young Christians are leaving the church and rethinking faith explained some of my experienced discomforts while growing up. The book placed me within the Millennial or Mosaic generation, those born between 1984 and 2002. I may have been born into the Mosaic generation but were clinging to and believing in the practices of the Boomer generation as demonstrated by my father. Respectful, high morals and values, excellent work ethics; all characteristics contrasting to that which those of my own generation chooses to describe themselves with.

Exploring live at a save distance from the authority of my father, I seldom if ever ventured out to participate along with my own generation. Granted, this gave me insight into the thoughts of previous generations. Yet, once of the leash of this safety, I found my footing and joined my peers. The younger generation are born as technological natives, set on finding, building, and thriving on authentic relationships. Some brave ones break away to find their own voices much earlier. Some need to be moved by pain - when staying hurts more than going.

After reading "Who moved my cheese" by Dr Spencer Johnson, I had a good laugh at myself, was shook back into action and embraced the technology as well as the change. It was here that I found the need for mentorship, authority and especially wisdom.

Who to follow in Twitter:
@ekerk @stephanjoubert @groblerpaul

Monday, 23 July 2012

A Borrowed Home growing in Love - Benoni

Worship is a result of revelation. This seems to be a reoccurring topic, and one of great joy.  Tonight I am writing from a little cosy house in Benoni where I am staying with two beautiful people growing in peace.  I have come to Benoni to visit the congregation.  God is working change within the congregation for a while now, and the Ministry Support team have been grated the privilege to be part of this process.  They asked us to assist in some of the changes, and blessing me, I shall be spending some time here growing with them.

The individual responsibility of each of the members of the congregation is a growing priority among the leaders of the congregation.  This often-mentioned need rarely receives appropriate or effectively attention.  This is my reason for joy this evening.  I come to bear witness that God has revealed His holiness and loving care to this congregation, and they respond accordingly.  The fruit of their love are multiplying thought the way that God continues to work in and though them. 

Many a sceptic may rebuke me for being naïve in wanting to see this.  Members growing to bear the fruit they were created for, acts of service and love in reaction to the grace of God.  This may be true, but who could blame me?  I do desperately want to see this truth, this part of the purpose of His bride.  Whatever the reason, I remain hopeful to see His name lifted high. 

Tasting some of this love in this borrowed home, how could I remain silent? O, how wonderful to be part of God’s story, through the love for His bride, to show the world the much needed love it longs for.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Worship follows Revelation

Picture by Paul Grobler
El Shaddai, Piggs Peak, Swaziland

Sabbath-like moments of wonder
When His glory calls to silence,
Basking in His radiance

Worship follows Revelation

Saturday, 5 May 2012

On doing onto others – my fresh perspective

I have been wondering how the Kingdom Principle of Matt 7:12 would look when applied to our sources of energy. Especially on this, my 26th birthday, as I was realized that I am an extrovert and not the expected introvert.

I used to recharge in the experience of stuff and in places of solitude. Surprisingly, this came as a shock. More so, the thought that my entire world seemed to know this, the truth I felt deprived of. Now I came to love and need the sharing of experience with others, or sharing in their experiences, otherwise it seems empty.

When acknowledged by others for having the potential to contribute, it releases a latent unknown energy. In this show of love, I could be energized to a new live I never new existed. I became addicted to the live flowing from quality time spent with friends whose love unknowingly and even unintentionally encouraged me to expose the live within me, the love within me.

Oh, what grace to know this!

This changed the way I thought about the mentioned principle: "Do for others what you would want them to do for you. This is the meaning of the Law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.”.

Now the plot changed entirely, as well as my role as from my point of view. I desperately long for the stories of others told, and because of this, I need to tell mine. I still await the full revelation of this principle, let it be put to practise and invite you on my journey of doing onto others.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

God: "I want your full attention"

Within the past few weeks the Spirit have been moving me to prepare for a change. What this change may be is still a mystery, yet all things are working together, I believe, for this. Well, with the GKafee not even started yet, I have already been asked to give up, give in, give away. Yesterday I lost my phone, mesmerized by the romance of the Freestate sunset at a roadworks stop, I left it on the roof and now I believe it to be roadkill. Yes, it was traumatic, and I did morn my loss to communication with the world. Though, after a short mourning period, I pulled myself together and asked for clarity.

Short and and sweet - I am a jealous God, you are mine and I want your full attention.

It's been a long time coming - this preparation in focus. My spirit has been yearning to experience the intimate relationship that Paul writes about in Php. 3. Not only have my heart longed, but hearing his beautiful sweet call, I found the need to be intentionally educated by the One who is worthy of all praise. He is the only one keeping track with God's plan, and with the blueprint of the story as it unfolds. I wonder what He's up to!

Within that longing Paul confronts me on so many levels, the most prominent being that of wanting to know. This he writes as result of the wish to know Christ, to "know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the death." Php. 3:10 -11 (NIV).

Friday, 30 March 2012

Practising grace for change #givingisbetter

Next week we will be continuing the giving experiment.  At the annual KKNK in Oudtshoorn we will be hosting a G-Kafee coffee house giving away coffee, for we believe that #givingisbetter.  

Flowing from Acts 20:35 stating that Jesus used to say that "Giving is better than receiving".  About six months ago at HarTklop @ Aardklop we took up the challenge to see if this is true.  The effect - well, I left my old job and accepted the financially uncertain, but awesome life of Ministry Support serving churches in the body of Christ.  

Reviewing the change caused by this reality, I should admit my my mix of excitement and discomfort.  With every event for intentional giving flowing from the reality of grace, comes the inconvenience of exposed vulnerability.  With this exposure comes the inevitable dependence on God. 

Oh! The joy of the safety of relying on God, and trusting Him to be who He says He is!

Christ came to disappoint the world, so much that He gave His life to show the way.  He taught the disciples the truth of selfless giving and demonstrated it through His life.  He then asked us to follow in His footsteps and continue the unreasonable kingdom reality of selfless giving. 

If we dare to be honest about what we believe, in examining our actions, we might find that our hands and feet seldom proclaim the truth of this verse.  

Are we willing to trust God when He himself taught us that this is more blessed?
If not, can we be honest about it?

On Twitter, find #GKafee as hosted by @Kruispad and @MinistrySupport

Infographic by Unspoken Message Studio

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

1200 Bibles - Praise for Growth in Malawi Family

In reaction to the aim of taking 1500 Bibles to Malawi at the end of 2011, we received the following video and letter from Peter  Hattingh, the team organiser in SA.   A total of 1200 Bibles worth of R54 000 were taken to Malawi during December 2011. The team of 6 were assisted by two Malawian coordinators, one being the missionary Herbie Venter. The area they support, Cape McClear, is now the area with the highest amount of Bibles in Malawi.
Although there were reports of fruitful spiritual growth amongst the communities and church leaders visited the previous year, the need for Bibles are still greatly experienced. To see the growth in newly planted churches is a blessing! The biggest hurdle Malawians at Cape McClear faces is transport. Church leaders need to travel 30-40km to reach newly planted church communities, thus inter-community connections is limited tremendously. One leader tells of travelling 9 ours to reach the community he is caring for. We would like to provide the 11 new church communities each with 2 bicycles.
We praise God for the opportunities we have. One very special event for me was the moment we gave an 80 year old man a Bible. Overwhelmed, he started crying for joy! We pray to continue the work of spreading Bibles to those so desperate for them. This year Marthiens Heymans will be taking over the passion for leading the team of 12 to take Bibles to Malawi. Please pray with us for wisdom and provisions. 

We thank each for the prayers and support you have shown us and the church in Malawi. Praise God for His love, and above all, please join us in praise making us vessels for spreading His Word. 

I would like to leave you with three verses:
  • Pro 19:17 -  If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD—and he will repay you!
  • 1Jo 3:17 - If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person?
  • Jam 4:17 - Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.
Your Brother in Christ
Peter Hattingh

For more information about the 2012 Malawi Bible Outreach:
Marthiens Heymans -
Peter Hattingh -
Reformed Church Cachet
Absa Bank, Tomstreet
AccNr: 0670340023
Code: 335-138
Ref: Please Specify Clearly: Malawi + Bibles or Bikes

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Is Social Media relevant for Kingdom Stories?

I was exploring some of the things I found to be shaping my life and wondered how others feel about it.