Saturday, 5 May 2012

On doing onto others – my fresh perspective

I have been wondering how the Kingdom Principle of Matt 7:12 would look when applied to our sources of energy. Especially on this, my 26th birthday, as I was realized that I am an extrovert and not the expected introvert.

I used to recharge in the experience of stuff and in places of solitude. Surprisingly, this came as a shock. More so, the thought that my entire world seemed to know this, the truth I felt deprived of. Now I came to love and need the sharing of experience with others, or sharing in their experiences, otherwise it seems empty.

When acknowledged by others for having the potential to contribute, it releases a latent unknown energy. In this show of love, I could be energized to a new live I never new existed. I became addicted to the live flowing from quality time spent with friends whose love unknowingly and even unintentionally encouraged me to expose the live within me, the love within me.

Oh, what grace to know this!

This changed the way I thought about the mentioned principle: "Do for others what you would want them to do for you. This is the meaning of the Law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.”.

Now the plot changed entirely, as well as my role as from my point of view. I desperately long for the stories of others told, and because of this, I need to tell mine. I still await the full revelation of this principle, let it be put to practise and invite you on my journey of doing onto others.