My hair changed because my life changed, because my heart have been changed. |
Do not ask that God bless the works you are doing, ask what He is blessing and ask to be part of that.
During HarTklop I realized God works differently through me than I thought. As woman He not only created me to carry a presence of the Good News in my action, more than in my words, but He also changes me constantly to be this more effective.
It seems many of my efforts to support the ministries I've been sent to, were misplaced in focussing on teachings rather than doing. I believe it now, "actions do speak louder than words".
It was during HarTklop that I found this truth in my own purpose. Faith can never be created, but environments for the formation of faith and the guidance of others to help you continue in this way can be created.
The inability of those claiming to have faith to encourage and direct those still growing presents an immaturity of their faith. We need to act on what we believe, and encourage others to do the same, and teach them to do the same to others in acting and encouraging them.
I believe that we have the ability to strengthen, encourage, and direct the way in growing in faith to become more Christlike, to be in but not of this world. I believe that we are the Body and Bride of Christ. In these believes I praise God. He has granted an opportunity that I may learn from our brothers and sisters in some of the other African countries on how church community, communication, faith formation and honoring God may look. Starting February 2013 I may be part of a group traveling to communities to serve and learn from them about serving God.
What a pleasure to be part of the work that He is blessing.