My nephew showing Koh Tau, and me off on the Africa Trek |
The blessing of counting others needs before your own.
In Swaziland we deliberately went to serve the ministry there, being their hands, feet and loving arms were needed. These selfless acts turned out to be the highlight of the holidays, for the weeks to follow I fell into self-righteous acts of self service.
Grateful to find the cause of the weight weighing me down. Shamefully serving myself for far too long.
Grateful to find the cause of the weight weighing me down. Shamefully serving myself for far too long.
It became clearest when I arrived in Pretoria on Saturday. I thought I would start my year clearing my inbox and starting with my plans for the 5 month mission work. Clearly my zero-inbox and what God planned for zero-inbox differs. I wanted to start fundraising, sending my last letters, finishing off projects but it started out much differently.
My aunt is traveling to Tai Land with her six year boy and 15 month girl. Their hidden agenda is doing mission work among the mothers of Koh Tau. At this moment she is need of someone to support her in the last arrangements to transport her family there. I have been blessed to support her in these last few moments. I find serving others needs is much more fulfilling than focussing on my own.
Luke 6:31 "And as you would like and desire that men would do to you, do exactly so to them."