Friday, 22 February 2013

Intentional living in loving the outcasts

We had the pleasure of spending a week in one of the most informal settlements outside of Kimberley. Lerato (love) Park, or to some better known as 'Bobbo se Plaas', started with the love of lust, but it is the love of God that is changing their lives and area.
Wind down from a smelly mushroom factory marks the missionary and his wife's own shanty, as God called them out of Kimberley, and made their hearts love these outcast peoples. With alcohol abuse, sexual immorality, mixing of African cultural ancestor worshipping with Christian teachings, neglect of children and unemployment; this community finds itself caught in the downward spiral of spiritual emptiness, and even at war for their souls. Desperate for love, and freedom from their desolate  lives, these unreached people hungrily engulf any love and grace coming their way.
With the adult population numbed to the Gospel, it is the children in this area that are the vessels of God's love and grace. Instead of trying to get the people to join a traditional 'sober' congregation together on a Sunday, the children of Leratho park is taking the Gospel of Jesus to their homes. Meeting the people where they are, just as Jesus did. As we were praying for them and just loving them God showed His glory with miraculous hearings, and shouts of glory an honour to His Name.
Oh, how the truth sets us free!!!
As these children are being raised  up to again rise up the next generation young believers, these groups quickly follow each other. 
Please pray for George, Kiti, Theta, and all the other young school going leaders. Also pray for the authority and conviction of the leaders discipling these young believers.

Monday, 11 February 2013

God does not tolerate impurity

"But the Israelites committed a trespass in regard to the devoted things... and the anger of the Lord burned against Israel. The Lord said to Joshua, Get up! Why do you lei thus upon your face? Israel has sinned; and they have transgressed against My covenant which I commanded them." parts of Joshua 7.
Our second week of training focussed on the normal Christian birth, as part of leading people into a living relationship with Christ in becoming His disciples.
Integrity and transparency plays a major role in walking with others on this Way of discipleship. For this reason we had to do some introspection and follow the same paths that we intend to help others to follow.
For anyone to become an ambassador of the Kingdom of God, you need to:
1. Repent of your sins and trespasses specifically and openly
2. Believe in Jesus Christ as the living perfect example of being human, receive His blood for the payment of and freedom form your sins and transgression
3. Be baptized as a symbol of Jesus's blood that cleanses you, as you were burried and raised from death into a new life
4. And receive and walk in the Holy Spirit as you follow Christ's example of being human.
Jip, looking at all that, and all that goes along according to what the Bible teaches us, it was an overwhelming week. I found a few truths I would like to share:
Intimacy follows transparency in the Kingdom of God, as acceptance follows repentance, and freedom follows forgiveness.
All these are build on the character of humility by faith, as modeled to us by Jesus Christ.
It was a great privilege to get my own sin and iniquities revealed and covered by the truth. It helped be to have my belief system straightened out. Being focussed on the purpose of being a witness of the Kingdom in this world changed my motivation radically.
Understanding God's Lordship changed my constant questioning and dissatisfaction with the answers into willing submission and faith in Him and His requests.
May you also grow in your relationship to the King.
Traveling plans ... After this week's teachings we will continue towards Kimberley in the Northern Cape for a time.
Material of influence this week:
Humility - Andrew Murray
Brother Andrew - God's Smuggler
David Dawson - the Normal Christian Birth.