Monday, 9 December 2013

Heroes and Followers

Nelson Mandela, our radical South African hero, passed away on Friday. But what is a hero? And how do we measure and celebrate heroism. My cultural and historic background helped me understand my precepts, but Jesus requires a higher yet communal standard.

Figures like Nelson Mandela, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, and other extraordinary people seems to be our measure for greatness. Who alone can meet such high expectations? To me every follower of Christ is called to be a hero, called for greatness. Greatness according to a heavenly standard. Heroes in faith, heroes in life, heroes in community. Everyday heroes.

To me the standard of a heavenly hero is one who succeeds in proclaiming the gospel of King Jesus throughout everyday life and discipling others to do the same.

Take a moment to imagine your church, not the building or the Sunday service but the people. The individual members of your local body of believers. Each one going out everyday to serve where God has placed them. Serving without complaining of a lack of grace, but proclaiming the all-sufficient grace in Christ. Imagine this church coming together to encourage one another, serve one another, teach one another, worship with one another, and then scatter again to make the gospel of Jesus known to more people.

David Platt wrote in Follow Me:
“I want to be a part of a people who are gladly sacrificing the pleasure, pursuits, and possessions of this world because we are living for a treasure in the world to come. I want to be part of a people who have forsaken every earthly ambition in favor of one eternal aspiration: to see disciples made and churches multiplied.”
This kind of movement involves each one of us to step up and be a hero. As the final things fall into place for the mission to Southeast Asia, I praise God for all the disciples who have invested in discipling me to follow Christ. I would like to praise each person who have been part of my journey. You set out with me, and in sharing your lives became heroes. May each follower be encouraged to selflessly and willingly give what our King, Lord Jesus asks.