Tuesday, 16 August 2011

In grace being swayed by the Spirit

O, what grace to find yourself moved,
granted the heavenly wisdom.
Swayed, uprooted, completely displaced
evident proof of the Kingdom.

Astounded by His revealing presence,
everything to fulfilment.
Sense, logic, reason, peace.
Overwhelmingly, yes, luminescent.

Adopting God's agenda -
Surrender. Submit.
Random looses meaning
always a define fit.

His provision never lacking,
in abundance we rejoice!
Called to love, in faith and trust,
our neighbour as ourselves.

Our desperate yet proud stands
proclaim the anxious longing,
Stirring of and through the spirit
hearts that need fulfilling

Eyes that want and need to see
Faith distilled, tested true
Living hope, enduring odds
Infectious love, proclaiming You!

Inspired by John 3

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Allowing rubbing off for the benefit of maturing

It is time to be honest and vulnerable with you regarding the places and views in my life where I am being showed how unsorted I truly am.

One of the most influential and valuable people in my life is a friend who sets out to challenge others on what they believe and how their faith gets hands and feet.  This friend has been rubbing off on me to.

One of the things he pointed out regarding community and fellowship is the difference between together and next to.  When looking at toddlers playing, you will notice the difference between playing next to each other in relation to playing together.  I can definitely relate to this as I tend to life next to others.  I live my life detached from others.  This in effect leaves me lonely, and in truth nullifies what I call relationship with others, and what it truly is.   

Setting out at the beginning of this year to try to live and understand the meaning of relationship, my worldly logic had to change to see what it means.  Only the logic of Christ can show the true meaning when put to practice.  To not only be changed by His truth, but also by the people He sets up in our lives to influence us.  The brutality of my honesty in a gathering a while back revealed my own faulty views. I confessed that I do not like others rubbing off on me.  You can imagine my surprise then I found this view horribly skewed.  In my ignorant selfish practises, I robbed myself and others of much needed community.

If the best thing for me is God, and the best thing for you is God, and He askes us to love others as we loves ourselves, then our faith becomes priority to be shared and sculpted by others.  I find stories of faith and life extremely interesting, and I value the sharing of these stories greatly.  Therefor, the question puzzling me is the true value of these stories if it does not change us, bring us closer in relationship and build unity in love to become the faithfully mature bride.  

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Jaloers oor ander se liefde vir my geliefde

Ek voel vandag soos die Hooglied vrou wat soekend hunker na haar geliefde. 

’n Kring gelowiges, wat ek verkeerdelik op uiterlike oorweging beoordeel het, het my hart in verlange laat uitroep “SĂȘ vir Hom dat die liefde my verteer”.

Hoe eienaardig wanneer die hart begin bons en spring wanneer ek Sy Naam op ander se lippe hoor.  Die opgewondenheid wanneer sy Naam verheerlik word oor hoe Hy, my Geliefde, ander se lewens aanraak en hul uit die duisternis lei. 

Asemrowend om in daardie oomblik ook te kon weet langsaan my, binne my en omarmende rondom my is Sy teenwoordigheid, net soos vir elk van daardie gelowiges in die gebedskring. 

Laat ons Hom aanroep, want die Een wat ons gemaak het, die Een wat ons steeds onderhou en ons siele innig liefhet is juis opgewonde oor ons liefde vir Hom.  My geliefde het nie van my weg gegaan nie, Hy is altyd hier.  Miskien is ek net die hardkoppige bakleierige dwase vrou wat onenigheid saai in my liefdes verhouding met Hom.  Genadiglik is Hy nie soos ons mense nie, maar juis die Een wat ons kom wys hoe om mens te wees.