Monday, 9 December 2013

Heroes and Followers

Nelson Mandela, our radical South African hero, passed away on Friday. But what is a hero? And how do we measure and celebrate heroism. My cultural and historic background helped me understand my precepts, but Jesus requires a higher yet communal standard.

Figures like Nelson Mandela, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, and other extraordinary people seems to be our measure for greatness. Who alone can meet such high expectations? To me every follower of Christ is called to be a hero, called for greatness. Greatness according to a heavenly standard. Heroes in faith, heroes in life, heroes in community. Everyday heroes.

To me the standard of a heavenly hero is one who succeeds in proclaiming the gospel of King Jesus throughout everyday life and discipling others to do the same.

Take a moment to imagine your church, not the building or the Sunday service but the people. The individual members of your local body of believers. Each one going out everyday to serve where God has placed them. Serving without complaining of a lack of grace, but proclaiming the all-sufficient grace in Christ. Imagine this church coming together to encourage one another, serve one another, teach one another, worship with one another, and then scatter again to make the gospel of Jesus known to more people.

David Platt wrote in Follow Me:
“I want to be a part of a people who are gladly sacrificing the pleasure, pursuits, and possessions of this world because we are living for a treasure in the world to come. I want to be part of a people who have forsaken every earthly ambition in favor of one eternal aspiration: to see disciples made and churches multiplied.”
This kind of movement involves each one of us to step up and be a hero. As the final things fall into place for the mission to Southeast Asia, I praise God for all the disciples who have invested in discipling me to follow Christ. I would like to praise each person who have been part of my journey. You set out with me, and in sharing your lives became heroes. May each follower be encouraged to selflessly and willingly give what our King, Lord Jesus asks.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Commissioned to observe the Bride's choices - a prayer for the future

The end of the Trek affirmed my new nature. I have been spoiled for going back to business as usual. God answered so many prayers, but it all boils down to one:

"May the Lord grow you and and destroy you for ordinary living"

I would like to share my story, how newness turns to ordinary and God ignites new life. I decided to leave Dietetics and Senekal October of 2010. Believing that God called me to serve the global Church, Mist | Ministry Support would be this place of this service, or so I thought.

I started serving ministries or communities part time while finishing off in Senekal. Mobilizing their communication capacity and discipling others to go and serve the church. I dreamed of networking and mutual support within the Body. This was my initial aim, but God had greater plans. That Desember as the doors to my old life was closed I received a vision.

In my dream God told me to go and see what the Bride is choosing.

This commission had me asking two questions:
1. How would I be able to see wrongs and not engage?
2. Does God know how big and far and wide His Bride is today, and where I would have to go to get a true image of what She is choosing?

Needless to say, I accepted this loving invitation to follow Jesus and obey His next action. Part time, full time - I have been seeing and serving the Church in many different forms. Mobilizing, strengthening, encouraging, and doing local evangelizing work with and for the upbuilding of the church. Oh, how blessed these two and a half years of walking in obedience.

Mist was and continues a valuable mobilization tool for missional serving and living. Interaction with e-church and the network of missional minded believers continue to challenge. Serving through communication and technology optimization at Benoni was a cover for learning to live in the local family of God. The introduction to the global church and body through InContext Ministries and Opened Doors and the trials the persecuted believers go through activated a love and burden for supporting and loving them. OM's Freedom Climb opened the reality of the world of slave trade and prostitution, and I was left stunned, shocked, shaken, and ignited

My passion for the global church were fanned into flames when Mist's doors were closing for me due to insufficient funds (a problem still today). This obvious nudge made me take the next and obvious step and I applied for research in church communications. With the opportunity to take an exam and be admitted in 2014 I praised God for the new venture. And God surprised me with the Trek. A five month trek with Operation Mobilization through SA, Namibia , Zambia , Malawi, and Mozambique. We were visiting and mobilizing local churches. I was discipled in different aspects of following Jesus and Kingdom living and I discovered and were set free from lifelong lies. More then getting to know God, was the relational discovery of God with His Church. Seeing what He's busy with in the Church, and how he uses the vessels humbled before Him. Walking in submission, I seek to be part of this mission God is on.

As evangelist and mobilizer I have been spoiled for going back to mere ordinary living. And I'm ecstatic about it, looking forward to what lies ahead. Unfortunately some doors are closing. Yet, I'm looking to the next one to open, and holding onto the promise that God continues the work He started.

I want to research church communication regarding relevance in our time and among countries and cultures. I want to serve the church with my passion and burden for the lost and young in faith. I want to encourage and mobilize ministries and believers as I travel and meet. I want to tell the stories of being transformed and of other's transformation through and for God. Above all I want to follow God completely, and if convinced or convicted, to act accordingly.

I do not know yet what lies ahead. Maybe continue with Mist, serve a local church, go to Europe and learn how to care, go to Asia or the Middle East and teach English on an secret mission, or just stay in South Africa. Maybe I'll be able to still do research through all of this. It's all depending on God to provide. I pray for guidance, provisions, wisdom, but above all faithfulness to the call God has charged me with.

Let our prayers continue to raise up for all the saints and our hearts be set on following Jesus. I would like to invest in any Kingdom venture as long as my hands are available to serve and God approves, so feel free to let me know of anywhere that I can serve.

Open your mouth on behalf of those unable to speak, for the legal rights of all the dying. Open your mouth, judge in righteousness, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:8-9 (NET)

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Scripture Wordplay - Good Judgement Seat Appear Home Away Aim Body

Come have a seat, listen to a play
A drama if you wish: A daughter who decided not to stay
A not-a-home home, revealed through the Light
A part of Deception, worth a runaway flight
For on that day of own wicked appearance
Dawning reality - Judgement if no adherence
The body and nature, so wicked and cursed
Were subject and nullified of the essence it was worth
No good could be found in such a prideful vessel
And judgement eternal if death not wrestled
Broken in body, soul and mind
Seeking refuge of a far more eternal kind
Humbled and desperate, raising my plea, call, my shout
Knowing my prison that I know I cannot break out
Realizing the price that were already paid
Praising the glory and grace He freely gave
The ultimate standard, the Way, the Good the Light
Came and took a seat in this vessel by Blood washed and bright
A living home for the One, the Three, forever Good
As part of the Bride, the Body, worth a fresh new look
The measure of judgement in my hand repented
A new aim and mission - Love for all, in grace accepted
Words for play taken from 2 Cor 5:9-10

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Repentance for the mature follower?

Created in the image of God, we were granted choices. Well aware of the effect of Adam and Eve's choice in the garden, we also know that Jesus' Lordship also needs to be chosen and accepted over our lives for us to walk in His presence.

The first message Jesus preached was one of repentance and acknowledgement of the Kingdom (Matt 4:17). The purpose of our reconciliation with God is to become ambassadors for the Kingdom of God whilst we are still alive.

Jesus came and called sinners to follow Him on His mission for the world to know, acknowledge and love Him. This is His mission, and our life mission from God always fits into this. If it's from God it should. In following Him, we will come to believe His message and acknowledge Him (Rom10:9) as Lord and Saviour. In this we find our daily aim and purpose through the intimate relationship with God. If we live in this love relationship we bear fruit of obedience (1John 1:4-6).

Upon this road the same remedy for sin applies for the unbelievers (Acts 2:39), young believers (1 John 1:9) and men and woman of God (2 Sam 12:13).

"Therefore repent and turn back so that your sins may be wiped out,  so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and so that he may send the Messiah appointed for you – that is, Jesus."  Acts 3:19-20

It is only in the presence of God that we can find truth and life and clarity. Anything out of God's presence is sin, and leads to death. Through repentance the old patterns and fruit of sin are nullified. God creates a new nature in us through the Spirit working within us constantly.

Through His indwelling power we are able to escape the decay of this world, and become partakers of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:2-13). Let this be an encouragement to press into and make sure your election.

May your way and view be made clear in following Jesus on the mission He is taking you on to honour Him. Whatever the adversaries - attacks from evil, struggles, persecution, or whatever, let the peace of forgiveness and a clear conscience be your invitation to come forward and draw near into His presence (Heb 10:19-22).

Food for thought: What would you say should be the first stage in the teaching of Christ? How would your community look of you have all covered the basic stage? (Heb 6:1-2).

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Are you listening?

After a week of prayer, fasting and recovery before we head out to our 5th country for ministry, I have three challenging questions I think may be of eternal value.

1. What book are you currently reading

One of my dear friends once mentioned the value of the books we permit to influence our way of thinking. It is interesting to find some books that you read, while others you allow to read and change you. Looking back on the books influencing me the past few months I see clearly that God is preparing me for something.

2. Who do you permit to speak into your life

During this week we exercised a few principles including that of silence. During prayers opening your ears rather than your mouth, you become quiet before the Lord awaiting His guidance. Other than experiencing a deep release from things I desperately tried to manage myself, I also received clarify on many parts of Scripture that I previously did not wait for God on. In listening to hear His guidance and knowledge we need first to admit our own inability to know and understand, and then humble ourselves before His throne and acknowledge Him for Who He is. Only then can we be open to receive His guidance and words, even if it is then to be taught by a brother dressed in rags, shining because of the love He experiences in God.

3. What is your (thing or place of) comfort

If we say we believe God is our Comforter, Lord, Bridegroom... why do we constantly seek for an alternative place or thing of comfort. Are we not extinguishing the flame of God in us if we seek for anything else than Him?

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Bathed in prayer or Following on the Way with Prayerful Intimacy?

Three hour Sunday Discipleship session on
the Chronological Teaching of Jesus
 throughout the Old Testament 

"With every prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit, and to this end be alert, with all perseverance and requests for all the saints. Pray for me also, that I may be given the message when I begin to speak – that I may confidently make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may be able to speak boldly as I ought to speak."

Eph 6:18-20 talks about prayer in a way I have never experienced or thought of before our time in the unreached Chisopi area in Malawi. The Yao people live caught in dark strongholds of Animistism and Muslim influence. We were sent as ambassadors to proclaim Jesus as King, and we saw evil strike back, making war, and God victoriously bringing His Name to the lips of the people. But neither our witnessing to this happening or them proclaiming His Name were able to happen without prayer.

Two weeks ago asking me about prayer and its importance against attacks from evil during the proclamation of His Kingdom, I would have answered in a way that sounds something like the Lord's prayer - to trust that by asking for deliverance would be sufficient. Obviously enough, just as the rest of the Lord's prayer provides a guideline for our relational conversation with God, He also includes this topic as one of importance. And not merely importance to be mentioned in a prayer ritual like those practised by Muslims, but a topic of conversation with God in proclaiming His glorious victory over darkness.

God moving in these places and in such darkness does not depend on our prayers. God does not depend on us, His mission does not depend on us, His love does not depend on us. Our awareness and intimacy with God as He advances on His mission to have creation glorify His Name does depend on our relationship with God. Believing in Jesus as the all-sufficient Saviour, and proclaiming Him as the King above all Kings is not enough for intimate relationship if it doesn't change your conversations with Him.

I would like to suggest that rather in bathing your life in prayer, to walk in intimate prayerful relationship with God and be aware and busy with what He is busy with.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Praise our Lord, for His loving-kindness endures forever

With great joy I bring news. The heavens are giving a great warm welcome for our new sister in the faith. And the joy continues for our brother who cared enough for her salvation that he went back into the Muslim community he came from to minister to her.

She had her baptism on Sunday, and in my previous letter I wrote about this brother and his desire to be discipled. Please praise God for His loving kindness in answering their prayers.  Not only did we receive enough finances for him to go for Discipleship training, but also two other believers who will be going for training in January. Thank you for your contribution whether prayer or finances. The labourers in the field in Chipata are being raised up by God Himself.

In the past two weeks I saw an unreached village in Mfuwe area, Northwest of Chipata, coming to know Jesus. I saw people being healed from diseases and set free from demon possession.  Our time in Chipata opened my eyes to various aspects of God's character. The most important and intense - His Lordship. The question that keeps me returning to this foundational part of my relationship with God is this:

"Am I willing to submit to God as the Lord of my life, and to be satisfied and rejoicing as a bond-servant onto His purpose and mission of His glory?"

I will be turning 27 on Saturday and as I give thanks to the precious moments that I could spend growing in intimacy with God, I wish and pray to receive a freedom I long for. A freedom in my relationship with God. Freedom from a lifetime of legalism. Legally trying to control relationships, especially my relationship with God. Digging into the reality of this in my life, I see the similarities between my life and every other person trapped in trying to earn freedom. Without grace my life is no different than a Muslim with their rituals, a Hindu with the drive to find self-realization,  a Buddist trying to get to the right ways, or even the new age believers who want to get the flow of energy right. If God does not choose to reveal and I to accept this revelation, I will never know what relationship with God means.

We will be travelling to Malawi for two weeks to visit Chisapi, a Muslim village, to support and disciple a newly born church from a Muslim background.  The 15 belivers who were baptized last year now love Jesus and follow Him, and live to serve their fellow Yauw people.

Please pray that God would reveal Himself as the relational God to the Yauw people we will be serving, but also pray for me to taste the grace to grow in relationship with Him.

May you also receive the blessing for growing in your knowledge and in relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Over recent days our team faced some undefined problems. Undefined because they are mere fruit of a deeper problem rooted inside. A problem of life and death, of spiritual life and death.

I met a Muslim lady this week, she is 15 years old, and we will be baptising her this afternoon. As a woman she has very few rights as a Muslim. As she was renouncing her believes in Islam and asking to receive Christ as her Lord and Saviour it struck me that her family and life will never be the same. She would probably never be accepted by her own parents anymore. She had to realize the cost of her choice.

As we talked through the implications of her choice I realized that my choice to follow Christ has no less hazards, problems or dangerous paths along the way. It is no less costly for me to come to the banquet of the Lord than for her. or at least it shouldn't be. I was reminded of Luke 14, and knew I was privileged to be invited to the banquet, and to invite others as well. I am privileged to count the cost for coming.

The brother who knew our Muslim background sister beforehand was a Muslim himself. A strong man of God, and eager to challenge Muslims to repent and accept Christ. His fervor for God is overwhelming, even to a time that I had to calm him down during our talk with this sister. Titani Piri has been baptized last year after coming to Christ.

His love for the Lord has driven him to want to attend a course in developing his character as a disciple of Christ. His conversion caused him to lose most of his support. With one pair of cloths on his back, and tattered shoes, God used him to be one I learned from in following Jesus. This warrior discipled me in the boldness like that of David. I became jealous to also be as bold and surrendered for the cause of the Kingdom of God

Titani still needs $750 in Zambian currency for his discipleship course. If you feel compelled to support this part of the body of believers by giving finances for Titani's studies please do so during this coming week. We will be leaving for Malawi on the 3rd of May, so any transfers will be paid over before then.

M. Venter
6233 784 3305
FNB South Africa 255355
Ref. Titani

Thursday, 25 April 2013

The Fruit of Searching for Satisfaction in God's Glory - A Testimony


 In my previous righting I mentioned about health problems. I am struggling with some lack of digestive problems, impairing the verity of food available for eating. During this time of confusion searching for God's glory, He forced me to surrender my health and food to Him as my sustainer.

I believe surrendering aspects of our lives should not be forces, rather given over. And in asking, I found opportunities for obedience always follow prayers, and never far behind. As the team is struggling with unity and focus we are entering a time of serving some least reached people. We were supposed to baptize 8 newly born believers, but were robbed of the privilege to see this happen.

As our team were together praying, supporting and celebrating the possible baptism waiting on news from our team member, communication confusion set in. We spent time in worship, seeking God's face for peace and guidance. I could open my heart to God that I felt left out, uninformed, and robbed of an opportunity to see this miracle happen. I felt the bitterness and hardness of heart rise up in me towards the team. I confessed my thoughts and lay them down at His feet. In worship and praise I found freedom again.

As I gave away my right to expectation, I also gave away my cross of expectations. I received the cross of Jesus of seeking God the Father glorified.

Now, less than 24 hours later I raise my voice praising God, for He has redeemed the harvest through willing hands and feet. We were blessed to assist some new believers who wanted to submit their lives to Christ. We facilitated them through repentance, helped them clarify what they believe about Christ, were baptized in water and received the Holy Spirit.

Praise God for the harvest that we could help bring in. Please also praise and ask God for the laborers and harvest in the Muslim community that we will be entering in from today. Please also pray for the unity in the team, and for protection and breaking of strongholds here in Zambia, Chipata.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Obedience is better than sacrifice - a view of my current discipleship journey

'Obedience is better than sacrifice' - Children of Kabwe chanting this as a theme for our time here.

My words, body, finances, health, time, sleep, family and loved ones are not mine anymore, they have been given back to God that He may have His way through in and through me.

After two and a half months on the Trek I can finally put into words what God is busy with within us. The Trek calls it Discipleship and Missions training on the move.

I would like to explain this mission in a personal way:

Discipleship seems like the process of coming to know your own character in a facilitated but practical way and finding that it is not Christlike. To then go through the process of submitting one by one the aspects of your character to God, and all the rights you claim for yourself. Through the process of humbly selflessly serving others with the example and mission of Jesus as our guide, to then be right-sized before God. Within the safe and vulnerable environment of a family of believers all being purified alongside you, to continue to develop at the mercy of the guidance and protection of the Holy Spirit. Through all this, in prayer and thanksgiving worship God for changing our willing hearts, minds, and souls to faithfully follow Jesus.

Discipleship seems to me to be the willing process of laying down my rights to self, and willingly taking up my cross, to follow Jesus in the way He modelled what being human looks like.

Luke 14:26-33 NET
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother, and wife and children, and brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. For which of you, wanting to build a tower, doesn’t sit down first and compute the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish the tower, all who see it will begin to make fun of him. They will say, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish!’ Or what king, going out to confront another king in battle, will not sit down first and determine whether he is able with ten thousand to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? If he cannot succeed, he will send a representative while the other is still a long way off and ask for terms of peace. In the same way therefore not one of you can be my disciple if he does not renounce all his own possessions.

Blinding light of love in Falling for God

I met the loving arms of God, and realised I don't believe Him to be loving and trustworthy. In reaction I have been deaf and dumb for three days, in a manner of (not) speaking.

Upon leaving Namibia I became a sick with ear infection. With my ears and body out of play God started showing up. Shutting the world out, and keeping my thoughts inside I was put in solitary confinement. It was me and God, and honesty between us.

Feeling the rejection I showed towards Him, I cried and cried out a lot. I came to know the healing power that starts in confession.

After two days of travelling I drove the minibus into out backpackers lodge two hours after sunset. I was exhausted yet sustained till the last moment. The next few days started with an unexpected blessing. One of the group wanted to bless me for a combo adventure of sliding, swinging and bungee jumping at Victoria Falls. I was shocked, I knew nothing of gift given without the expectation of return, or of undeserved gifts. Two major barriers in my life.

This was just the beginning of the barriers to be crossed on that day for the Victoria Falls had some awesome jewels. The slide was fairly easy but i still needed to practice to just to lay back and enjoy the mission with God. To follow the instructions and enjoy the ride right till the end. The swing was much more of a vertical and horizontal combination. Although deep is where I want to connect with God, wide is still where He wants me to see. There is much more enjoyment in taking the leap and enjoying the ride.
As for the bungee... This is hard core trust. By this time I was comfortable with the edge, the height and the emptiness between me and the raging water below. It was the out of control I was not ready for.

I received my the much needed forgiveness for ignoring God as my Father, and I also regained my ability to hear again. I also received the grace to honestly worship God again.

After that I have been struggling with my health and my finances. He asks our obedience above everything. Obedience is His language of love. In this He also asks transparency for His glory, thus in sharing my needs He was able to glorify Himself. God confirmed His character to me again as my Healer, Redeemer, all sufficient provider, Father and creator of every community, and the Only God to be worshiped.

O, to take the leap to find God to be true to who He says He is, and daring to want to know Him that way.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

The next step in intimacy: affection and emotions

Looking back over the past two months on the #Trek I praise God for the ways in which I have gotten to know His character, and see my own be transformed by the knowledge of Him. I just felt like sharing some of the character trades that I praise Him for. He truly loves Himself, and in this love us. O, what joy to be loved by Him.

I am His eternal beloved, and I know Him already to be MY:

Healer - He healed me from 2 serious physical conditions
Provider - He provided work, housing, people, money always enough for what He wanted me to do
Humbler - the one to whom I be right sized to, (James 3)
AMEN - according to Isaiah 65:16
Alpha and Omega - the beginning and end of my faith
Blesser of my soul - through the way He created and intended
Dwelling place as I seek, inquire and require by the right of His invitation (Isa 65:19)
Shepard - I shall not want
Light in which all offences taken is right sized and turned into love
ONLY GOD, as deliverer from the idols I set up for myself
Object, source and sustainer of my emotions and affections
Strong tower - Prov 18:10

I am Lientjie, from Magdalena. When Magdalena met Jesus and received His forgiveness she became worthy of the name. The name representing a strong tower of God, a light and place of refuge for others. One whose witness is that God is her strong tower.

By what character do you know God in your own life?

Monday, 8 April 2013

You don't need a lifetime, you need prayer

The past two weeks our team of 4 were sent to serve the Herero  communities in the Ovitoto region, Namibia. They are a beautiful people, and easy to love. Unfortunately the deceiver has got a hold on them.
I recently read a book on the influence that an outsider can have on a child, and how the child bears the fruit of that influence when he is grown - 'Saved by the Lion'.  Looking back now I see the reality of it.
Woman older than 50 dress in a Victorian style. Their head scarves draw  most attention. Formed in the image of cattle's horns, it shows the holy reverence they have for cattle. Schooled in the Afrikaans language and religion, they all know the Bible, of God, and know they want to be born again. They just don't know what that means or what to do with it.
The theme and warning that came to mind during the time there was 1 Corinthians 3:12-13 (NET) 'If anyone builds on the foundation with gold silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw, each builder’s work will be plainly seen, for the Day will make it clear, because it will be revealed by fire. And the fire will test what kind of work each has done.'
It seems at first that a lifetime of investment and intentional personal discipleship would be necessary to help recover the misguided people. As we prayed earnestly to receive the wisdom to know what and to who to teach, we received hope in one young man. His mother is a drunkard, his father is unknown, but he grew up with a Bible in his house, and knew the scriptures. He rose above his pears and is studying B.Sc Maths at the University with the money from his herding job.
I would observe that the power of the knowledge of God, the influence of prayer and the unveiling of lies makes a lifetime of difference. This young man gave me so much hope for the Herero people.
The same was true for the lady in the picture. Afrikaans speaking, loving God, but never receiving the Holy Spirit, she desperately cried when we read out the passages of the Holy Spirit's work. We prayed with her to receive Him, and she was worshiping with joy in moments. 
They bless God for searching for Him. We and others will have our investments in them tested with fire on the Day. I will continue to pray for them knowing that if I did not act prayerfully in a faithful way I could also have been misguiding.

Monday, 18 March 2013

The witnesses of God's love for Himself

God is completely consumed with love for Himself. Against our way of thinking?! Well, if it wasn't so why would we worship Him? He is so set on self love that He is using this creation to proclaim His character. And we are privileged to be part of it. We are witnesses to what LOVE is.

In John 17 we are invited by Jesus to listen to the intimate God relationship and see the character of the LOVE for Himself. The followers of Jesus bear  witness to the love of God with Himself. Jesus prays for the same unity for  the followers as there is within the unity of God. For this reason He sends the Spirit to live within us to experience the love unity. The grace of receiving the unity in love is for another crowd to witness, the church. The church bears witness to the darkness of the human creation, and it again to the spiritual realm and beings.  In the church the fullness of love is reached. O, how wonderful to be part of such a mindbogglingly awesome love.

- As God's love for Himself bear witness to Jesus' followers
- So the Spirit within us as followers bear witness to other followers to grow in love for God and unity
- And as the followers grow in love in unity, we as church bear again witness to the world, and the unbelievers
- Onto this the heavenly world witnesses the Love that God has for Himself.

My prayer for you dear reader is found in Ephesians 1:17-23 (NET)

"I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you spiritual wisdom and revelation in your growing knowledge of him,   – since the eyes of your heart have been enlightened – so that you may know what is the hope of his calling, what is the wealth of his glorious inheritance in the saints,  and what is the incomparable greatness of his power toward us who believe, as displayed in the exercise of his immense strength.   This power he exercised in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms   far above every rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.  And God  put  all things under Christ’s  feet , and he gave him to the church as head over all things.   Now the church is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all."

Pray it onto yourself to grow in intimacy with God, for this intimacy He wishes for us, for Himself.

Friday, 15 March 2013

How Bellville taught me about church planting

Cape Town Bellville station - markets
O, what an excitingly interesting place. I dearly enjoyed visiting the Somalian Muslim people of Bellville. With two men at my side we set off to find people of peace. People who we believe God already prepared for receiving the love He wants to show to them. We entered the Belleville market and not being presumptuous or expectant to find anything specific other than seeing God's glory.
Being warned about the aggression of the Somalians we were on the lookout for reasons for concern. To our surprise the first stall we entered we found a couple who were openhearted and quite loving people. We were welcomed into their stall for the next two hours. During this time they took turns to go for prayer, but continued making us as comfortable as possible, answering our questions and even introducing us to a few of their friends, who allowed us to pray for them. They indicated a clear openness towards Christians by way of friendship, telling of some of their friends who became Christan. This couple seems to be good news for entering the Somalian community in Bellville area. We prayed for them before we left, and will continue praying for them.
Many other eyes further on in the market exposed souls of hurt, lust, anger, hate, and coldness - everything we were told to expect. This was also prominent in many of the other conversations.
This experience just highlighted the importance of finding the people and houses of peace if we were to plant churches in communities. People and houses where they openheartedly invite you into their homes and network of friends and families. Luke 10:1-11 became personal to me for the first time in the Bellville Somalian Muslim community.
If you would like to know more about serving among the diaspora people, please hook up with diaspora hope

Sunday, 3 March 2013

In the presence of the Almighty and most Holy God

Holy Holy Holy is God Almighty!!!
Jesus Christ is more beautiful and attractive than any person I know. Well, to be honest, He is the perfect man anyway! And to make Him more attractive He grants people the privilege to grow in likeness to Him through the power of His Holy Spirit.
Somehow I got caught in a lei that only through man can we know and grow towards God. This was only partially true, for it is the man Christ alone, and that through His spirit.
I came to know the following to be true: You can not buy or work for the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit. In my proud prejudice I tried to manipulate those men I fell in love with who portrayed Jesus' character. Like the Simon who wanted to buy the power of the Holy Spirit from Peter and John in Acts 8, I tried to buy a second hand relationship with God, and in a way ended up either worshipping that man, or depending on myself. God, in His loving you kindness came to embrace me, sending a crowd of believers praying for me, and revealed the all-so-clear mission of His children that I had to submit under His Holiness.
Submission is never easy, just as Simon cried out to said to Peter and John that they should pray for him, I also pleaded for others to pray with and for me.
The message became clear that I needed to enter into His presence and ask. God hears the cry of His children's hearts and remembers His promises onto them. This became mistakenly clear to me as God reached out to me and continues to grant me the freedom from the bitterness and bondage I was in.
I started by saying that you cannot buy or work for the presence of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and I want to proclaim the good news that in being broken and vulnerable in the presence of God and other believers you can receive it. To stay in His presence you only need to love Him, for God said that those who love Him, submit and obey Him, and He comes and lives with them, and never leaves them - John 16.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Intentional living in loving the outcasts

We had the pleasure of spending a week in one of the most informal settlements outside of Kimberley. Lerato (love) Park, or to some better known as 'Bobbo se Plaas', started with the love of lust, but it is the love of God that is changing their lives and area.
Wind down from a smelly mushroom factory marks the missionary and his wife's own shanty, as God called them out of Kimberley, and made their hearts love these outcast peoples. With alcohol abuse, sexual immorality, mixing of African cultural ancestor worshipping with Christian teachings, neglect of children and unemployment; this community finds itself caught in the downward spiral of spiritual emptiness, and even at war for their souls. Desperate for love, and freedom from their desolate  lives, these unreached people hungrily engulf any love and grace coming their way.
With the adult population numbed to the Gospel, it is the children in this area that are the vessels of God's love and grace. Instead of trying to get the people to join a traditional 'sober' congregation together on a Sunday, the children of Leratho park is taking the Gospel of Jesus to their homes. Meeting the people where they are, just as Jesus did. As we were praying for them and just loving them God showed His glory with miraculous hearings, and shouts of glory an honour to His Name.
Oh, how the truth sets us free!!!
As these children are being raised  up to again rise up the next generation young believers, these groups quickly follow each other. 
Please pray for George, Kiti, Theta, and all the other young school going leaders. Also pray for the authority and conviction of the leaders discipling these young believers.

Monday, 11 February 2013

God does not tolerate impurity

"But the Israelites committed a trespass in regard to the devoted things... and the anger of the Lord burned against Israel. The Lord said to Joshua, Get up! Why do you lei thus upon your face? Israel has sinned; and they have transgressed against My covenant which I commanded them." parts of Joshua 7.
Our second week of training focussed on the normal Christian birth, as part of leading people into a living relationship with Christ in becoming His disciples.
Integrity and transparency plays a major role in walking with others on this Way of discipleship. For this reason we had to do some introspection and follow the same paths that we intend to help others to follow.
For anyone to become an ambassador of the Kingdom of God, you need to:
1. Repent of your sins and trespasses specifically and openly
2. Believe in Jesus Christ as the living perfect example of being human, receive His blood for the payment of and freedom form your sins and transgression
3. Be baptized as a symbol of Jesus's blood that cleanses you, as you were burried and raised from death into a new life
4. And receive and walk in the Holy Spirit as you follow Christ's example of being human.
Jip, looking at all that, and all that goes along according to what the Bible teaches us, it was an overwhelming week. I found a few truths I would like to share:
Intimacy follows transparency in the Kingdom of God, as acceptance follows repentance, and freedom follows forgiveness.
All these are build on the character of humility by faith, as modeled to us by Jesus Christ.
It was a great privilege to get my own sin and iniquities revealed and covered by the truth. It helped be to have my belief system straightened out. Being focussed on the purpose of being a witness of the Kingdom in this world changed my motivation radically.
Understanding God's Lordship changed my constant questioning and dissatisfaction with the answers into willing submission and faith in Him and His requests.
May you also grow in your relationship to the King.
Traveling plans ... After this week's teachings we will continue towards Kimberley in the Northern Cape for a time.
Material of influence this week:
Humility - Andrew Murray
Brother Andrew - God's Smuggler
David Dawson - the Normal Christian Birth.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Excersizing the mission of serving others first

My nephew showing Koh Tau, and me off on the Africa Trek

I've been reminiscing on the resent time of rest. In my acts I found a clear distinction between the draining and replenishing ones. This may seem obvious to some, to you who already found the treasure thereof, but it only became part of my story through this experience.

The blessing of counting others needs before your own.
In Swaziland we deliberately went to serve the ministry there, being their hands, feet and loving arms were needed. These selfless acts turned out to be the highlight of the holidays, for the weeks to follow I fell into self-righteous acts of self service.

Grateful to find the cause of the weight weighing me down. Shamefully serving myself for far too long.

It became clearest when I arrived in Pretoria on Saturday. I thought I would start my year clearing my inbox and starting with my plans for the 5 month mission work. Clearly my zero-inbox and what God planned for zero-inbox differs. I wanted to start fundraising, sending my last letters, finishing off projects but it started out much differently. 

My aunt is traveling to Tai Land with her six year boy and 15 month girl. Their hidden agenda is doing mission work among the mothers of Koh Tau. At this moment she is need of someone to support her in the last arrangements to transport her family there. I have been blessed to support her in these last few moments. I find serving others needs is much more fulfilling than focussing on my own. 

Luke 6:31 "And as you would like and desire that men would do to you, do exactly so to them."