Saturday, 19 July 2014

Purpose and Design - Objective Truths to Encourage With

My investigation, into the purposed function of the Christian faith in our day and age, has me traveling all over. Previously, in the Netherlands, the believers greatly encouraged me in my efforts to travel, share, and learn about the reality and relevance of Christianity.

So I set off for Vietnam, and have been living and working here for more than four months. At the least it brought me to appreciate the abundant luxuries and numerous blessings I grew up with. Surrounded by godlessness, my current reflections relate to my growing knowledge and understanding of the purpose of life, and, a life of purpose. Teleology, the belief that purpose and design are a part of and apparent in nature, is a great help in coping with the frustrations of a fallen world.

When striking out to be a bearer of truth, opposition will never be far off, ready to counter your every move. As fellow believers we can encourage and cheer each other on, on the journey of revealing the truth to the world. This is one of the things I have found that the global Church has been purposed for today. I'd like to share an experience of this.

As we raised our mugs of Czech beer to celebrate unity, my newfound friends and I jumped at the chance to talk about living as a foreigner. These two bright-eyed Americans were answers to my prayers for intellectual stimulation, one a medical student and the other a well read businessman.

From our evaluations we noted that the Asian society have not been exposed to Christian morals or ethics, leaving much need for redemption. Affairs in Vietnam centre around fulfilling basic needs, one of which is gaining status at all cost, but without losing face. Put bluntly: lying, cheating, or stealing is overlooked, as long as you don't get caught - and if you do, have a envelope ready. This type of corruption, where rules and regulations are blatantly ignored if it suits the situation, is largely expected. All forms of boundaries are bended or reshaped for personal gain. Two steps forward and three steps back on the cultivation road if you asked me. The conduct seem to highlight the results of a godless society, and the wide acknowledgement that it is a result of a lack of choice exposes the need to knowing the truth and be set free by it.

My American friend finds himself in this business and political atmosphere. Ironically actually, for not only is he set on practising business affairs with honesty and integrity, but his passion lies towards justice and equality.  "Do to others what you would have them do to you" eccos straight through every aspect of life. The things that impassions you will lead you to the heart of the brokenness of that very thing, requiring of you to shine the light of truth on it.

Of this my friend told of some tough times. Lack of critical thinking or critical questioning as a means of improvement results in blind mindless conduct. In business, though, they uncannily defraud and shamelessly corrupt affairs, for personal gain, regardless of the moral cost.

When asked whether he liked living and serving in Vietnam, since he has lived here for 5 years, he hesitantly replied "Sometimes". Propelled by his passion, his path will continue to meet opposition, purposed to have the truth be proclaimed. Unarmed and vulnerable he will need to continue to trust in the Creator and Purposer of all life.

And so should we. His burden is one of love, and his purpose is one of divine revelation. One in a million, in this part of the world at least, but one nonetheless. At this I understood something of shared burdens. His burden and passion have different expressions than mine, but the force that drives it is the same. As fellow Christians, we could listen and encourage him in that moment, as an act of acknowledgement that his love for God propels his life forward. In that moment of shared love for our King and Creator, we all acted according to the designed purpose and divine revelation.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

How the rain helped to prove a relationship point

I joined a Vietnamese club during week one, but I arranged with the tutor, Jim (not his real name) that I will keep in touch about further attendance. For two weeks I could not go, so I felt convicted on the third week. Just because of the relationship with the unbelievers, and their knowledge of my faith. I did not hide my convictions, and expected continued difference (Notice: The Vietnamese do things according to their felt needs. If it does not fit their schedule to attend a social club, it is fine just to stay away without notice. They also don't believe in being good, for no good comes from being good.). I just felt it rude not to make arrangements.

That Thursday I cycled the 5km to the CafĂ© in pouring rain. More than soaked, I was also convinced of not needing Vietnamese classes. I'm only staying a year, and my housemates can teach me. Anyway, I don't like cycling alone at night, or breaking down and having trouble (Ironically, my bike's chain broke on the way back, so I had to walk the 5km home at 21:00 at night. I thank God for my housemate who came to pick me up). 

But, on arrival, Jim was waiting at the door. I explained that I would not stay nor continue to attend the club. Some evenings my friend who attended the club only came home at 23:00, a time I did not feel comfortable with when driving alone. But, I felt it necessary to come to talk with him in person to apologize. Astonished he asked me about the reasons I would go to such lengths and discomfort. Why I would come at night, and in the rain, if this is the main objection.

It was then I realized that God truly changes the way we think. I told him that as a child of God, and follower of Jesus, relationships are very important to me. That it is not my needs that dictate what I do or how I act. That people are not just things or means to ends, they are all individuals and that we as children of God believe that God has personal relationship with each. And because God has relationship with me, loves me, I can love others. That just knocked him over. We took him a Bible the following Saturday, and on the coming Saturday we will meet before club to talk more about faith. 

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Human Trafficking, Philosophy, and Thinking... #JustThinking

Before leaving South Africa I decided to cut my hair for many reasons. I would like to share a specific thought. A thought that will ask me to think, to wait, and to see.

At this moment I'm in Europe, Holland. The red light district of Amsterdam, better known as Walletjes Straat, will be my next destination. For me as Christian it seems important to know what is happening in the Trafficking capital of the world, and to have an opinion about it. Cambodia and Thailand are destinations soon to be visited. Other than their authentic eastern traditions, they are infamous for the trafficking of women and children. What can humankind be thinking to have these practices as acceptable? Is man thinking at all!

But what about the Church, how is it possible that we can sit by while the widows and orphans of the world get caught in such practices? Have we become so complacent and indifferent towards the difficult situations in the world that we rather keep quiet than be honest about what happens. Is it fear that keeps us silent, or are we merely selfish, to not engage on the behalf of those being mistreated. Do we not know or understand what the monumentality of the truth is that we believe in.

Reading on philosophical ideologies I become enraged about the misguided thoughts of men. Men refusing to acknowledge God and the truth that is Him. But no amount of anger can overcome those misguided ideologies.

In silence I wait. Seeing the west becoming entangled in intuitive practices and indulging in eastern practices like Zen Buddhism, and the east submitting to communistic thought patterns I find no comfort for our world other than the existence of God. A supernatural, engaging, active, real God who engages with the world. Engaging to show His character.

Should we wait like the Taoist's to see the universe balance the yin yang? Or should we keep our minds busy with material scientific thoughts? Where do you focus your mind in times of nonsensical circumstances.