Sunday, 26 January 2014

Human Trafficking, Philosophy, and Thinking... #JustThinking

Before leaving South Africa I decided to cut my hair for many reasons. I would like to share a specific thought. A thought that will ask me to think, to wait, and to see.

At this moment I'm in Europe, Holland. The red light district of Amsterdam, better known as Walletjes Straat, will be my next destination. For me as Christian it seems important to know what is happening in the Trafficking capital of the world, and to have an opinion about it. Cambodia and Thailand are destinations soon to be visited. Other than their authentic eastern traditions, they are infamous for the trafficking of women and children. What can humankind be thinking to have these practices as acceptable? Is man thinking at all!

But what about the Church, how is it possible that we can sit by while the widows and orphans of the world get caught in such practices? Have we become so complacent and indifferent towards the difficult situations in the world that we rather keep quiet than be honest about what happens. Is it fear that keeps us silent, or are we merely selfish, to not engage on the behalf of those being mistreated. Do we not know or understand what the monumentality of the truth is that we believe in.

Reading on philosophical ideologies I become enraged about the misguided thoughts of men. Men refusing to acknowledge God and the truth that is Him. But no amount of anger can overcome those misguided ideologies.

In silence I wait. Seeing the west becoming entangled in intuitive practices and indulging in eastern practices like Zen Buddhism, and the east submitting to communistic thought patterns I find no comfort for our world other than the existence of God. A supernatural, engaging, active, real God who engages with the world. Engaging to show His character.

Should we wait like the Taoist's to see the universe balance the yin yang? Or should we keep our minds busy with material scientific thoughts? Where do you focus your mind in times of nonsensical circumstances.

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