Dashed and disillusioned, shattered and broken.
O, the horror of knowing the enemy…
Acting out of ignorance and stupidity,
sincerely wrong good intentions.
eyes opened, seeing the Pain caused to the wounded Body.
Knowing the hands, and seeing the heart
of the enemy of the Kingdom.
The war inside persists, the Holy One winning.
Revealing the ignorant rebelliousness of an unwilling heart
numbing, even wounding young and old parts.
Let Your Kingdom come! Let it come now!
May the scars remind of ignorant rebellion,
for the healing has started with eyes being opened.
In complete submission healthy maturity may develop.
A joyful place as the Kingdom dawns.
Baie treffend, dankie. Mens kan dalk redeneer dat die oorlog reeds gewen is, dis net dat ons onwillig en huiwerig is om dit te glo en te leef - dis maar hoe ek daaroor dink.