Friday 30 March 2012

Practising grace for change #givingisbetter

Next week we will be continuing the giving experiment.  At the annual KKNK in Oudtshoorn we will be hosting a G-Kafee coffee house giving away coffee, for we believe that #givingisbetter.  

Flowing from Acts 20:35 stating that Jesus used to say that "Giving is better than receiving".  About six months ago at HarTklop @ Aardklop we took up the challenge to see if this is true.  The effect - well, I left my old job and accepted the financially uncertain, but awesome life of Ministry Support serving churches in the body of Christ.  

Reviewing the change caused by this reality, I should admit my my mix of excitement and discomfort.  With every event for intentional giving flowing from the reality of grace, comes the inconvenience of exposed vulnerability.  With this exposure comes the inevitable dependence on God. 

Oh! The joy of the safety of relying on God, and trusting Him to be who He says He is!

Christ came to disappoint the world, so much that He gave His life to show the way.  He taught the disciples the truth of selfless giving and demonstrated it through His life.  He then asked us to follow in His footsteps and continue the unreasonable kingdom reality of selfless giving. 

If we dare to be honest about what we believe, in examining our actions, we might find that our hands and feet seldom proclaim the truth of this verse.  

Are we willing to trust God when He himself taught us that this is more blessed?
If not, can we be honest about it?

On Twitter, find #GKafee as hosted by @Kruispad and @MinistrySupport

Infographic by Unspoken Message Studio