Saturday, 15 January 2011

I am in love!

Ever been in love?
Jumping when your love's name is mentioned. Getting goosebumps when someone talks about what him?When every thought, plan, and hopeful event is planned around the fact that you may just be able to spend time in his presence?

I am there!  Who can it be?

My constant companion, lover, friend, and Saviour is Jesus Christ.

In this ever changing world full of disillusion and disenchantment I have found a true constant, caring and eternal love.  In love and in life He presents no surprises except the breathtaking interventions proclaiming His Kingship, wonder and majesty.

Instead of having those flutters that takes my focus away from the given calling of my life, I found this calling and life in Him!  Nothing in this life could ever compare to the love that I have found.  In truth, if He chooses to keep me bound to Him alone, I would deem it a privileged to be called only His love, and find it not a loss.

Some may call me a fool, overbearing or even illusional.  I would answer that if you never fall in love with Him, you may just be found to be the fool one day.

In faith I find a life worth living for, and a Love worth breathing for.  He graciously payed the prise that I may receive faith.  Even more radical is that He is the One my faith is for and about.  If "faith is what makes real the things we hope for. It is proof of what we cannot see (Heb 11:1 ERV)" then I have been granted the privilege that I may be in love with Him.

If He is who He says He is, (and by and by, He IS), then I am more then just HIS lover and friend.  I am part of His bride, and so are you!!!

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